Infrared VS. Induction Cooker

June 15, 2022


Cooking technology has come a long way since the days of open fire pits and cast iron pots. Today, we have access to many modern cooking technologies that come equipped with a plethora of features, ensuring that cooking is not only more convenient but also more enjoyable. Two such technologies that are becoming increasingly popular are infrared cookers and induction cookers. But what's the difference? Are they the same? Which one should you choose, and why? In this post, we'll take a closer look at the differences between the two.

Infrared Cooker

An infrared cooker uses infrared radiation to cook food. It works by heating up the surface of the cooker and then transferring the heat to the food using infrared radiation. This technology is efficient and can heat up food quickly, making it perfect for busy people who want to cook something quickly without compromising on taste.

However, infrared cookers are not very versatile when it comes to cooking food. For example, you cannot use them to cook food in water, which limits the types of meals you can prepare. Also, infrared cookers require a flat-bottomed pot or pan to work effectively.

Induction Cooker

An induction cooker, on the other hand, uses an electromagnetic field to cook food. It works by creating a magnetic field, which then transfers energy to the cookware using a process called induction. This energy heats the cookware, which in turn heats the food. This technology is highly efficient, fast, and versatile, making it perfect for cooking a wide range of meals.

Induction cookers are also very safe to use. They do not use flames or electric coils, which means that the cooktop stays cool to the touch even when it is in use. This reduces the risk of burns and accidental fires.

However, induction cookers can be more expensive than infrared cookers. They also require a specific type of cookware, such as cast iron or magnetic stainless steel, to work effectively.


Below is a table that compares the two cooking technologies side by side:

Infrared Cooker Induction Cooker
Heating Infrared radiation Electromagnetic field (induction)
Efficiency Less efficient compared to induction Highly efficient
Versatility Limited to flat-bottomed pots and pans and cannot cook food in water Highly versatile
Safety Not as safe as induction Very safe, no risk of burns or fires
Price Generally less expensive More expensive


Both infrared and induction cookers are modern cooking technologies that offer a convenient and safe way to cook food. However, there are clear differences between them. If you're looking for a more affordable option and are happy with cooking food in a flat-bottomed pot or pan, then an infrared cooker might be the best choice for you. But if you want a highly efficient, versatile, and safe cooking experience, then an induction cooker may be the better option.

Ultimately, the final decision will come down to your personal preferences and cooking needs.


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